Magical moments throughout the year

Private Sessions - online

Uni Arndísar offers you to step on a magical journey with yourself.
Private sessions, custom made just for you - with sacred ceremonies, meditations and exercises that bring you closer to your unique light and beauty.

We set goals for the year to come, look into the runes and cards, and create a sacred practice just for you. Where you will take each step on your spiritual journey with blessings and healing.

 If you are interested in meeting me regularly in Private Sessions on Zoom, Skype or Facebook Messenger - let me know & we will start our Magical Journey together.

I have created a few different paths to follow in Private session - but we can also create a new path just for you.

4 Sacred Seasons

Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Fall Equinox & Winter Solstice

Do you wish to flow with Mother Earths Seasons & yourself through the year - & in that way connect on a deeper level with your Inner Goddess?

Mother Earth moves through seasons and rhythms. Mother Earth is in constant movement, a slow rhythm and dance with the energies of the universe and planets surrounding Her. Mother Earth sustains us and supports our life with offering Her waters and abundance to us. By learning to listen to Her rhythms and flow – through Her seasons, we find how She affects our bodies and lives.

We learn to listen to Her, and make offerings to Her through Her seasons.

-We will meet in every season, in 4 Private Sessions over the year & I will offer you exercises to connect to Goddess & Mother Earths Seasons.

-We will discuss your Spiritual Path, look into the Runes & Cards, & weave some beauty into the dreams you wish to make a reality.

-I will offer exercises in the form of written material, audio recordings and/or on videos

I invite you to start a Sacred Journey towards Mother Earth, towards yourself & towards everything that is Sacred.

- 4 Private sessions with Uni - each one an hour long

- Access to the webinar Nordic Mother - 4 Goddess Ceremonies in every season.
- Meditation Series Sacred Earth ~ Sacred Life - 5 Mother Earth Meditations
-Ceremonies & Meditations in the form of written material, audio recordings and/or on videos
-Support & follow up on e-mail

Do you wish to start your Sacred Journey with the seasons?


Moon Flow

Do you wish to flow through the year with the energies of the Moon - & in that way connect with your intuition & feelings on a deeper level?

The Moon flows from a New Moon to a Full Moon & back to a New Moon every month.  Each Moon Cycle is unique & offers blessings. We are given a chance to listen and hear the voice of the Great Mother through the cycles of the Moon.
The Moon affects the ocean tides and water levels of Mother Earth. The Moon affects women´s menstrual cycles and feelings. By following the rhythms of Grandmother Moon we learn to listen to our bodies and feelings on a deeper level. We get in a deeper touch with our intuition and knowledge that comes from within. Grandmother Moon has been following your every step through life. She holds the magical power of intuition and feminine sensitivity. Listen to the song of the Moon within your own heart, and find your voice in harmony with Hers.

-We will meet before every Full Moon, in 12 Private Sessions over the year & I will offer you exercises to connect to Goddess & Mother Earths Seasons.

-We will discuss your Spiritual Path, look into the Runes & Cards, & weave some beauty into the dreams you wish to make a reality.

-I will offer exercises in the form of written material, audio recordings and/or on videos

I invite you to start a Sacred Journey towards the Moon Flow, towards yourself & towards everything that is Sacred.

- 12 Private sessions with Uni - each one an hour long

- Nordic Moon - 12 Goddess Ceremonies that follow the New Moon & the Icelandic Goddesses.
-Ceremonies & Meditations in the form of written material, audio recordings and/or on videos
-Support & follow up on e-mail

Do you wish to start your Sacred Journey with the Moon Mother?

Pearl Mothers

Mother of Pearls is a mother of life, she is a mother of beauty & power. A Woman that nourishes, feeds & changes the world. She is the Mother of many pearls – but she is unable or unwilling to have children.
Women without children are Mothers of Pearls. We carry the quality & strength of Mother – but we do not give birth to children. Our “children” or Pearls as I choose to call them, appear in the form of our art, projects, work & everything that we create, nourish & give birth to.

I offer Private Online Sessions for Infertile Women seeking clarity & inspiration in healing & overcoming the wound.
I realise that talking to someone that understands your pain is one of the most healing steps, on this painful journey overcoming this deep sorrow.
I will listen to your pain, be there for you – & then offer suggestions in the form of Ceremonies, Meditations & Yoga.

More information on Pearl Mother -

Rune & Tarot readings

Asking the Runes & Cards for inspiration can be a wonderful way to contemplate the future.

Uni offers Tarot- & Rune readings Online, where she seeks to inspire you & encourage. Using Aleister Crowley Tarot Cards & Icelandic Goddess Runes, created & designed by Reynir Katrínar.

Uni offers basic readings, New Years readings & readings for couples.

Uni Arndisar is a Völva, Musician and Healer from Iceland.

Uni creates and leads Icelandic Goddess Ceremonies where she connects with the Divine feminine and Mother Earth, through chanting, Meditation and Ceremonies.
Uni has walked her spiritual path, following the wisdom of her ancestors and the inspiration of the vibrant fairy world, living within the beautiful Nature Temple of Iceland. With a passion for spirit and healing in heart she has travelled the world and learned from different paths and traditions. Amongst others the Native American tradition in New Mexico, the Avalon Priestess training in Glastonbury and the path of Yoga and Meditation. Uni collaborated for 18 years with Reynir Katrínar healer and animistic. Based on Reynis wisdom, they together evoked the energies of the Goddesses, Gods and beings of Iceland.
As a musician and sound healer, Uni releases her own music and creates songs that bring the Icelandic Goddess to the world.

All Private Sessions are Online -
on Zoom, Skype or Facebook Messenger.